Housing in Pointe-Noire

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5 properties found in Pointe-Noire

Pointe-Noire Fr 30 / Negotiable PLOT FOR SALE IN POINTE-NOIRE Fr 30 / Negotiable House for sale, 2 bedrooms, 450m2 last week
Pointe-Noire Fr 1,000,000 per month / Negotiable Villa for rent - Neighborhood Mpita Fr 1,000,000 per month / Negotiable House for rent, 6 bedrooms, 400m2 2 weeks ago
Pointe-Noire Fr 2,800,000 per month / Negotiable Villa for rent in the city center of Pointe Noire Fr 2,800,000 per month / Negotiable House for rent, 4 bedrooms, 500m2 last month
Pointe-Noire Fr 1,500,000 per month / Negotiable Furnished apartment for rent in Pointe Noire Fr 1,500,000 per month / Negotiable Flat for rent, 2 bedrooms, 300m2 last month
Pointe-Noire Fr 1,200,000 per month / Negotiable Furnished apartment in Pointe Noire Fr 1,200,000 per month / Negotiable Flat for rent, 2 bedrooms, 130m2 9 months ago

Houses around Pointe-Noire

Flat for rent 2 Housing ads
House for rent 2 Housing ads
House for sale 1 Housing ad