Approval in Principle Letter


I am a new member to the forum. I need some help here with my case.
Currently I am residing in France on student visa and my studies are going to get completed in March 2021.  I recently received a job offer from a company in Malta and post acceptance I got the "Approval in Principle Letter" from Identity Malta.

Now as per the letter I need to apply for
1. Should you require a visa to enter the Schengen area of Europe, you are required to present a letter
with your visa application form to Malta Embassy.
2. Obtaining your work and residence permit (single permit) - Book an appointment with Identity Malta agency for biometrics.

Now my queries are -
1. I am already having carte de sejour visa in France which allows me to travel to Schengen Countries. Do I need to again apply for Visa to travel to Malta?
2. Do I need to book an appointment now while I am staying in France or after travelling to Malta?

Seniors or persons who is understanding my situation and has answer please comment.

Thanks in advance.


Hi Ammy!

1) Most likely you wouldn't need to get a new visa if you can already travel to Malta. Although you will have to apply for a D-Visa later on which is long term stay visa after you student visa in France ends.

2) I would suggest to book an appointment after you go to Malta, but if you can do it in advance as well.

I'm also in a similar situation like you. I'm in the UK with atm and unable to travel due to the travel restrictions.

Hope this helps you! Xx


You might not need to apply for a visa to enter Malta as you are already in France (Schengen area). However, you need to book an appointment for your Single Permit. Please see the details at
You can book an appointment while you are in France for a date you are expecting to be in Malta to attend the appointment.

Thanks Linguist SV, lg1in

Hi Ammy!

1) Most likely you wouldn't need to get a new visa if you can already travel to Malta. Although you will have to apply for a D-Visa later on which is long term stay visa after you student visa in France ends.

2) I would suggest to book an appointment after you go to Malta, but if you can do it in advance as well.

I'm also in a similar situation like you. I'm in the UK with atm and unable to travel due to the travel restrictions.

Hope this helps you! Xx

[email protected] SV


The  question was asked over a year ago.

Hello mohdraiz6634,

@GozoMo, is right, this question was asked long ago.

Should you want to ask questions, feel free to start a new thread on the Malta forum.1f60a.svg


Cheryl team

Hi sir mm I want approval plz  racharla san


Hi sir mm I want approval plz racharla san
[email protected] Sandeep

No one here can give you approval. You need to find a job first. Then you need a visa.