Looking for other expats

Heya! I'm looking for other fellow expats in Abidjan as a newcomer. Français ou Anglais, je parle les deux langues. Hit me up if you'd like to chat! Si vous êtes dans la même situation, n'hésitez pas! À plus


Moderated by Diksha last year
Reason : Please use only English on the anglophone forum.
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Hi Jazz

I am Christelle ! If you want to talk , I am here , just on a same boat as you 🙂

You can message me privately , and we can go from there

Hey greetings from Nigeria, still same boat like you, wish to start a new life in ivory coast

Hey babe, am from Nigeria, stil in same both like yours, how can we make d move


Moderated by Cheryl 10 months ago
Reason : No advertising on the forum please.
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct


For personal safety please do not post contact details here. Use the message system to exchange. This is an old inactive thread too. 


hi jazz I'm sudhir and expat I'm on +***
Moderated by Cheryl 7 months ago
Reason : No contact details on the forum please.
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Read and understand post#7